First Week of Students
Day 1: I stayed really busy and I did a lot of mind numbing stuff. I'm glad I could help out, and I made copies.
Day 2: The bathroom flooded in the 3-5 hallway. It leaked into the art room and music room. It turns out a pull-up was flushed down a toilet. Ms. Helen had a student break her arm, and I made copies.
Day 3: I helped Ms. Sue, Kindergarten, and learned about pencil norms (you could kill someone if you're not careful) and made copies.
Day 4: I subbed in the 5th grade. At one point, I had to cover for a teacher for a few minutes. One kid would NOT stop talking. It was annoying. He drives his teacher crazy too. I held a bearded dragon and I made copies.
Day 5: In the morning, I got to help Ms. Sue, that woman is a nut case and I can see why O loves her. I was informed I have a schedule posted for me each day at the front desk. Oops! I found a home base for my water bottle, (see lessons learned, below) and I laminated.
Lessons Learned
I can never find my water bottle. I leave it everywhere because I don't have a home base. Next weeks goal is to find a home base. (This was actually my goal the week before last.)
I never hear my name over the P.A. and other people have to tell me. I need to listen closer. I just block it out because I think of it as just noise. I will have to work on that.
Monarch sends out a minimum of 10 emails a day. Well, maybe not 10, but it's close.
Knowing where all the extra school supplies are stored makes me a valuable asset to the education team. (I forget what Monarch calls the ed team.)
Some TAs are VERY territorial. WATCH OUT!! Wow, I was shocked. I love the one who said, when asked if she needed help, "Sure, come on in, I would love help."
It's been such a long time since I have been in a work environment, I've forgotten what it's like to be around a variety of personalities at once. I paid attention to how people talked and interacted with each other. You can learn a lot from listening to the types of words people use and the topics they choose to talk about. One person, in particular, LOVES to talk about themselves. I asked questions but it was never a back and forth conversation, it was always a, "let me tell you all about myself, not ask you anything and then leave" interaction. I struggle with people like that. I call them "monologuers", or Shauna. (That's an inside joke.) It's never a conversation and you are just the "lucky" audience. There are other things I noticed, but I'll share them later.
M - "What are you going to do now that all of your kids will be in school?"
Abby - "I don't know, probably make meth or something to kill the time."
Ms. Sam - "The line between being a savvy art teacher and a hoarder is very fine."
Ms. Kenzie - "We are going to do great and follow the norms."
O - "Back in 1st grade we didn't behave so well." (Which is true, I heard they were little turds.)
Ms. Kenzie - "Why do we want to be respectful and how can we be respectful?"
Jordan - "We don't want to be crappy to each other."
One little guy couldn't stand still in line and he pushed some people.
Ms. Kenzie - "Be respectful, hands to side."
Interrupted - "Well, I'm not on medication."
Me - "Is there anything I can get for you?"
A teacher - "Some alcohol? A glass of wine?" She'd been having a rough day with her class.
O Speaks
O - "Can we get something to eat that's food?"
M - "What do you have in mind and I'll tell you if it's food." (We'd been having a lot of Jamba Juices.)
O - "Mom, did you have mac n' cheese when you were alive?"
M - "I'm still alive O."
O - "I mean when you were a kid." (I guess some sort of death occurs when you become a parent.)
There is nothing as fun as getting a phone call from your 7 year-old telling you, "This is a warning, if you do.... I'm going to take away your driver's license and debit card."
Boob Talk
O - "How do you spell birthday?"
M - "What is the first sound?"
O - "B"
M - "What is the second sound?"
LT - "You spell the rest of it F...A...R...T!
O - "Dad, it's B...U...T...T!"
LT - "Butt Day."
O - "No, it's Bust Day."
LT - "No, it's Breast Day!"
M, fingers in my ears, "La la la la la la."
LT has ruined my daughter.
M, repeating something O said, "Why is there a birthmark by my nubbie?"
O - "Hey, mind your own nubbins. It's a breast joke."
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