Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows I hate strong smells. My little olfactory bulb can only take so much of any strong scent before it raises the "headache on the horizon" flag.

This morning, I was on the treadmill at the gym and I smelled this really overpowering scent. It could have been lotion, deodorant or perfume, whatever it was, it was strong. I considered moving to another treadmill but in a glance I knew I was stuck, there weren't any others and I HATE those goofy running thingies with the arm stuff and there was NO WAY I was going to go to a bike, so I decided to wait it out. 

Maybe it was from someone that just walked by. Then I thought it could have been the lady next to me, she looked like the stinky perfume type. I hoped it wasn't her because I really wanted to work out and there weren't any other treadmills. Fortunately, the smell dissipated and the lady next to me finished her work out. I still don't know if it was her that was fragrant, but it didn't matter, she was gone and the smell was gone. I exercised in peace for a good 15 minutes and then it happened again. I was assaulted by ANOTHER stench. First let me say, I can't stand cigarette smoke, but even worse is the stale cigarette smell on clothing and skin. 

I'm all for people working out and improving their health, but why did the motivated exercising smoker HAVE to park their hide next to me? Me, of all people in the huge gym, why me? Me, the person whose sense of smell is so acute I'm often accused of "search and destroy" missions in my house and car. Me, the person who denies her daughter the joy of some toys simply bcs there is a minute possibility it could leave a stink. Me, the woman who can't wear strong smelling deodorant or perfume because it will cause a headache. Me, the person who made a friend sit out on the patio and talked to her through the screen and positioned the fan to blow out the window because her lotion was too powerful for my sniffer. Did I have a "scentsitive" target on my back/forehead? 

I was wallowing in the why and finally gave up finding an answer. I stopped my workout, cleaned the equipment and went shopping for nose plugs.

It is a sad, sad life I live.


orangemily said...

Sad indeed

Mariam said...

Amen sister. I can't stand perfumed people. It is always miserable to go someplace nice and suffer because of someone else's smell. I don't think the perfume drenched, non-smellers understand our plight. Good luck to ya.

Cassie Simonton said...

I knew you had a strong sniffer but I had no IDEA it was that STRONG!!! I hope i have never caused you that much agony before with my perfume...so sorry if I did:(