Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lilith Fair 2010

I love music. Not in the casual "I love those pants" kind of way, but in the "my soul has found it's mate" kind of way. I tried once, and it was a sorry attempt, I tried once to describe it and it sounded like a 3rd grade essay. I simply don't know how to capture what I feel and how my world changes for a moment when I am caught up in music. Because of this love, I do my best to see as many concerts as my budget and responsibilities allow. Fortunately, I have a husband who knows and understands this about me and supports me.

This August I was just shy of nirvana when I attended the Lilith Fair. I arrived at the venue in the early afternoon so I could sample ALL of the artist it had to offer. The only one I missed was Corrin Campbell. I was really looking forward to seeing Jesca Hoop, but the lineup changed and Butterfly Boucher played in her place. Sarah Mclachlan came out and sang with her. Pretty cool. After her set I went to the merch table to buy cds and she was there autographing them. I chatted with her a bit and found out she is the bass player in Sarahs band. I didn't tell her I was secretly envious of her hair. Her haircut is the one I've tried to acheive when I've cut my hair super short in the past. My hair is too thick and spiky to pull it off, it ends up being unflattering and unattractive. So, now you know, I've always wanted to have short hair.

Anyway, back to the Lilith Fair, It was a deceptively hot and humid day. I had beer spilled on me twice. The chic on my left was sloshed and entertained me as much as the show. She sang with such emotion and passion during the Indigo Girls set I thought I was going to pee my pants. She insisted on having a picture of us. When her friend took it she was looking up at the ceiling so all you see is my face and her neck. I came home with 3 new CDs. I have a ton of videos. I've uploaded some of them to my youtube account. If you want to see them the name is LMNOHILL. (I'll get to uploading the rest soon).

Nneka was okay, not my kind of music. Beth Orton was cool. Cat Power was having an off night. Missy Higgins was fun to see. The last time I saw her in Austin, she wasn't really into the show so it wasn't her typical performance. She was amazing at Lilith Fair. Her voice blows me away and what she does with it in "Secret" makes my head explode. It's so cool. Court Yard Hounds were cool, Indigo Girls were incredible. I wasn't really looking forward to their set because I've seen them so many times. Well, their stage presence and music is magnetic. The entire crowd was on their feet singing some of their classics. Sarah Mclachlan was great too.

I have to admit, Sara Barellies was my favorite. The weeks leading up to the concert I listened to music from the artists that were going to perform so I could recognize songs they would play and I could decide before hand if I liked their stuff. I downloaded "King of Anything" and it was instant love. Sara was a lot of fun on stage. She is a fun performer. I'm going to see her in a week and I'm really looking forward to hearing a longer set.

Overall , Lilith Fair 2010 was great experience.

Cat Power, below
The Lineup
Beth Orton
Yours truly and Butterfly Boucher (Yes, that's her real name)
Sarah Mclachlan
Butterflys cool hair.
Missy Higgins
Sara Barellies
Court Yard Hounds
Indigo Girls



orangemily said...

Wow, what a day!

Fumbling Through the Storm said...

Your blog popped up on my Google alert for Missy Higgins, so I clicked the link and soon found out that you and I attended the same Lilith show. My mother's head is actually in one of your pictures, lol.

I love what you said about music. For years, I too have struggled to put my feelings about music into words.

I'm so jealous that you got to meet Butterfly! I wanted to go to the merch stand, but I decided to stay behind at the ABC stage, so I could be close to the stage for Missy Higgins' performance (she's the primary reason I went to Lilith).

I also had a lot of fun, despite the ridiculous amount of humidity in the air. By the time I walked back to my hotel, I was more than ready for a long shower and an air conditioned room.